
Friday, September 19, 2008

I heart booksellers!

Tip of the Day: There’s a new blog in town! Check out with agent Sara Crowe and her clients blogging on various publishing-related topics.

This past week I attended the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association’s annual conference. Did you know there is such a thing, and apparently most states and/or regions have something similar? I attended on Monday as a presenter with a few other authors from the Class of 2k8, and we were able to talk with booksellers about author events and brainstorm ways to increase attendance at events. Afterwards, we had a lot of interest from booksellers in the audience wanting us to come to their bookstore for an event. We handed out our brochure and made connections. I do believe those bookstore connections are SO important.

I love indie bookstores, and it was great to be in a place where I could meet lots of people in one fell swoop that share a love of books and work hard to get the right book into the right reader’s hands.

On Wednesday I went back to the exhibit hall where publishers set up booths to show the booksellers what’s coming up in the near future. I spent some valuable one-on-one time with the regional sales rep for Simon and Schuster. This is the person who is traveling around, pitching books to the buyers, and trying to get them to carry titles in their stores. Next time she’s pitching, I hope I stick out a little more in her mind. And I probably will! That’s what some face time gets you.

I also signed ARCs of FAR FROM YOU, which was fun. Many booksellers stood in line to get it, so let's hope they read it, love it, and decide to order it! That's the goal, anyway. If you happen to see one on e-bay, let me know, will you?

~Lisa, Miss Pinch Me I'm Pubbed


  1. That's so great that you had bookseller interest to do talks at their stores!

  2. Wow, it sounds like you had a fabulously productive trip. I'll bet your post gets some authors thinking.

  3. Sounds like a busy week for 2k8 and presentations! You guys on Monday. Stacy, PJ, Jenny and myself yesterdday! Glad you made such great connections!

  4. Sounds cool! How did you get so many ARCs to give away? That must have been a lot of people!

  5. Yes, it was great and fabulous! :)

    Barrie - It was a busy week for 2k8 - go us!!!

    Tina - the signing is something S&S publicity pitches. Since I was doing a presentation, I think that helped me get a spot. The organizer said he turns a lot of signing requests down. Once the signing is approved, the publisher sends money and 50 ARCs to the conference.
