
Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it (sing it!)

Tip of the day: I blogged about the SCBWI conference here and here if you’d like to read a little about my trip. As always, the best part of the conference was meeting and spending time with other authors.

So, I’m excited.

A new book deal, you ask? Some amazing award I’ve been given? Will one of my books soon be featured on Good Morning America?

No, no, nothing like that.

I’m excited because…I’m writing a book! And I don’t think it’s half bad. Woo hoo!!

I had about 10,000 words there where it was tough. I’m not sure why it was tough, it just was. And you know, sometimes it’s going to be that way.

Jenn Hubbard had an awesome blog post recently where she talked about process versus final product. Everything she says is so true. In the end, the reader doesn’t know how easy or how hard a book was to write. And they really don’t care.

We just have to battle our way through those time times, word by painful word. And know in our hearts that in the end, it will be worth the pain. Hopefully.

So what did I do to find excitement toward this particular story, 38,000+ words into it? I took the time to read it, from page 1 all the way to where I last left off. I didn’t cringe as I read it. I didn’t want to throw the thing into the garbage can. No, what I wanted to do was finish it so I could see how it all turns out. If I can manage to make it all turn out the way I want to!

Over and over again I heard at the conference that the ONLY thing we have control over is our work. All the other stuff is out of our hands. I am excited because this book is different from anything else I’ve ever written. It’s making me stretch as a writer, and that’s a good thing. Will anyone like it? I have no idea. But just like always, I write for myself first. It’s fun, it’s challenging, and it’s what I do.

I am a writer.

Isn’t that exciting!?

~Lisa, Miss Crafting a Career


  1. That is very exciting!!! We can't wait to read it either! And it is good to be reminded about the writing be all we can control -- bc it's true.

  2. Yay for writing! Yay for loving your project!

  3. Awesome post, Lisa! I love that you sat down (I picture you with a fancy cup of tea) and read your book like a reader, to come to realize that, hey, you're a good writer!

  4. It is something to be excited about. I'm always afraid to go back and read a first draft, what a treat, though, to find that my first draft has a lot of potential. Best of luck with your project!

  5. ...standing ovation...

    That's awesome! I love that feeling when you actually go back and read your own work, as a reader not a writer, and get a good look at what you've been doing all this time. Woohoo!
