
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Library Lost&Found #3 (or Send In the Clowns*)

*They're already here!

Tip of the Day: Ask your local public library when they hold their used book sales. Not only will you find some true gems at these events, but you'll score great deals and support the library for the coming year!

Some Library L&F items fall into the category of "lost in the stacks" and "found while staff were weeding/searching for something else legit."

One such recent type of L&F item was brought to my attention by a fabulous colleague while she was weeding the stacks. It really doesn't need any more commentary than the item itself provides (circa 1984):

And in case you need to know what exactly what this entails:

Obviously the book wouldn't be complete without an appendix of clown face make-up ideas:

If my life as an author and librarian doesn't work out, you know I'll be going full Clown Ministry. Boo yeah!

Deena, Miss Subbing for Pubbing

1 comment:

  1. ...lead by your clown ministry troupe.' Uh...what? Lol! I can only imagine what some of the faces of the older folks I grew up with would look like if they sat down on a Sun morning to a bunch of clowns, heh! Our lost and found at work(a bank) is pretty much a couple of coffee cans ppl bring their change in and then leave behind.
