bestseller - noun
best-selling - adjective
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Am I a best-selling author?
Technically, yes.
My books - every single one of them - have hit multiple best-seller lists on Amazon.
Whoop dee doo.

I don't think I'm snobby or critical. I just think I still have my head in the clouds.
I want to be a NY Times Bestseller or a USA Today Bestseller. I want to hit the big time, baby. Small successes are definitely worth celebrating. I've posted many a FB picture of my books on prominent Amazon lists. Yet...I won't let my cover artist put that coveted title next to my name.
What do you think? Am I a bestseller? Or still a wannabe?
In the meantime, pick up my YA contemporary novel, Shucked. It's free today on Amazon. :)
Megg, Miss Enchanted ePubber