Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holiday Giveaway--Day 2

Winner of the Day: Congratulations to TruBlu93! you are the winner of I Know It's Over. Please send your mailing address to author2author (dot) blog (at) gmail (dot) com!

Today I'm giving away not one, but TWO BOOKS. Yep, I'm so excited about the books in this series I had no idea which one to pick to give away so I decided to do both.

So to win a copy of both DEATH BY BIKINI and DEATH BY LATTE by the very talented Linda Gerber, please leave a comment. You can tell us what you are thankful for, you can tell us which cheesy holiday movie you are most excited to see (I need suggestions), or you can simply say hi. We don't care. Just leave a comment by midnight tonight. Deena will announce the winner on the blog tomorrow. And if you put the contest info on your blogs, let me know again, so you'll get double the chance to win.

Okay, now onto the fun part.

These books are incredibly fun and entertaining, and follow the life of Aphra Connolly. She grew up on a remote tropical island resort and mingled with the rich and famous. But in Death by Bikini when a guest washes up dead on the beach lots of mystery follows. In the sequel Death by Latte, Aphra's adventures continue in Seattle. These books have mystery, tropical islands, coffee shops, and hot boys. What more could you ask for?

The author Linda Gerber agreed to participate in our mini interview, and was willing to share what she's thankful for in her writing life.

Take it away Linda...

"I was glad that Emily asked me to take a moment to write about what writing-related thing I was most thankful for this past year. Thinking about all that I've been blessed with was awonderful exercise - I highly recommend this to anyone! The problem was, I couldn't decide on only one thing, so I decided to list the top ten - in no particular order:

1. Fans. I wouldn't be writing if people weren't reading, so I am incredibly grateful for them! Especially the readers who take time to send me a note letting me know they are enjoying the books. It makes all the hard times worth it!

2. My Critique Group. I belong to a fantastic Crit group. We've been together for six years, and we haven't killed each other yet!

3. My Editor. I have been lucky enough to work with the same editor on every book so far - a novelty in the industry, I understand - plus she's probably the kindest, most diplomatic editor in the business.

4. Puffin's Book Designers. I LOVE the covers they gave me for the DEATH BY series!

5. My Agent. I signed with Elaine after the DEATH BY series had sold. Even though she isn't the agent of record for those books, she has been incredibly supportive and patient with me as I finished up with them and we launched into our next project together.

6. Teen Fiction Cafe. I feel incredibly lucky to be included with this group of talented blogging YA authors.

7. Online Friends. LOVE connecting with other authors, writers, readers, librarians, reviewers and interesting people online!

8. My patient family. They deserve sainthood for the number of times they've endured takeout, undone laundry, being locked out of my office and other indignities that go along with being saddled with a wife/mom who is a writer.

9. Really Good Books. Reading keeps me going!

10. Diet Coke. Nectar of the Gods. Has seen me through many a deadline."

Doesn't she sound just nice and sweet?! Thanks so much Linda for stopping by. We are incredibly thankful for you and your awesome books! And of course for Diet Coke.

--Emily, Miss Awaiting an Agent


Jessica Burkhart said...

I absolutely <3 the Grinch (cartoon!) and Charlie Brown. :)

Ginger Calem said...

First off, I can attest to the fact that Linda Gerber is not only nice and sweet...she is amazingly supportive and talented too. :)

As for holiday movies, I agree with Jessica... The Grinch (classic), Charlie Brown and I have to have my dose of Rudolf every year.


Kristina Springer said...

Dang those covers are freaking ADORABLE!

Julie O'Connell said...

Since I have a ferocious cold, I'm gonna wimp out and say, "What Ginger said." Linda's awesome and her books are, too!

My favorite holiday movies or specials? Charlie Brown, Rudolph, Grinch, White Christmas, Christmas Vacation, Love Actually, Muppet Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life...I know there are more, but I can't think through the Hall's Mentho-Lyptus fog.

Natalie said...

Like Linda, I've got Diet Coke on my list, too. :-) My critique group and agent are the two biggies I'm thankful for when it comes to writing.

Amanda said...

My favorite Holiday movie is A Christmas Story =D I love me some comedy!!

I added your giveaway to my sidebar!

-That Teen-

Anonymous said...

I love Christmas Vacation and Bad Santa (for those dysfunctional Xmas stories we all enjoy!)

I also love Emmit Otter's Jugband Christmas, though I don't think they show it anymore. It used to be on HBO back in the day!

Sarah Woodard said...

I love It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story.

Meredith said...

I love Linda Gerber. She is soo awesome!

I love the ABC Family movie, Three Days. It only airs this time of year, so it is really special for me. Also I am looking forward to seeing some of the new Christmas movies coming out this year, like Four Christmases (love Reese Witherspoon!).

As for the classics... I am going with Miracle on 34th Street (both versions), White Christmas, and The Santa Clause. The last one is a favorite around our house.


juiciliciousss reviews said...

OMG. i have to say, i have been looking for those books for a longg time :)
i would love to win thankss


ps. i love christmas because it's so pretty outside (with snow) but deathly cold AND you get presents! how much cooler is that?!

Anonymous said...

I love Frosty the Snowman, and of course The Grinch cartoon. Another great one is Babes in Toyland which I have recorded on VHS somewhere :) I've been wanting to read Death By Bikini for awhile now- it looks so awesome!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Oh, so cool. I need these books in my life.

As for the Christmas movies? Charlie Brown is adorable! I just love the Peanuts.

A movie coming up that I want to see? Umm...the one about the rat that is really brave. Desperaux or something? LOL Me and Marley looks super cute too. I love dogs!


Anonymous said...

I love Linda Gerber and her books! Sadly I don't owe none of them but this would be huge to win!


HeatherMarie said...

These books look great. If I don't win, I'll have to remember to look for them at work. :)

As for holiday movies, my personal favorite Christmas movie is Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I love that movie and I have to watch it every year.

Christina Farley said...

Love coke too! Well actually coke zero if we're being exact.

And those covers are gorgeous!

Shalonda said...

I love Charlie Brown and The Polar Express. My all-time favorite cheesy holiday movie is A Christmas Story ("You'll shoot your eye out!")

I have posted a link to your contest on my Contests! sidebar.

Anna said...

My all-time favorite Christmas movie is The Polar Express. Although Charlie Brown is up there too. :)

And a Christmas movie that is coming out to theatures that looks good is Four Christmases. It just looks really funny. :) And I love Reese Witherspoon. <3


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Back again to say that I blogged about this:



Emily Marshall said...

Wow, you guys all left me wonderful Holiday movie suggestions!!! I'm glad I'm not alone in my holiday movie love.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I ventured over from Linda's blog. She is great and a wonderful writer. :)

Count me in as another reader that loves those covers! I think as far as movies, my favorites are The Grinch and the original Miracle on 34th Street. Happy Holidays everyone!

Angela said...

Your blog is great! I've had it on my google reader for a while but just realized that I probably have never commented on it before. At any rate, it's not cheesy, but my favorite holiday movie is HOLIDAY INN with Bing Crosby and FRED ASTAIRE! My husband's favorite is CHARLIE BROWN.