Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year, New Goals and Objectives

Tip of the Day: If you are interested in doing JanNoWriMo with Kate, Deena, and I, leave a comment on this entry. That way we know and we’ll try to check out your blog/Web site/email or something throughout the month of January to encourage you to reach 50,000 words.

There are so many goals that I’d like to accomplish this year that it’s hard to narrow them down. As 2009 approaches, I really feel like writing-wise this is a make it or break it year for me.

I’m entering my fourth year of writing fiction seriously. And I’m to the point where something drastic needs to happen for me to keep my sanity or I’m going to have to completely twist my thinking and writing upside down and try something completely outside of the box. I’d of course prefer the Get An Agent or a Book Deal change, but I’m not opposed to being twisted and contorted to improve myself.

I’m feeling really positive and motivated right now to make good changes with my writing, and what it boils down to in terms of goals is this:

Goal 1: Get an Agent

Goal 2: Get a Book Deal

  • If I’m going to have a goal to get an agent, I might as well aim big and go for the book deal too, right?

Goal 3: Think Outside of the Box with my writing and try to push myself further

  • To be honest I hope to do this even if Goals 1 and 2 come true this year.

Kate mentioned yesterday that goals should have a time limit. In the PR and advertising background I come from goals can be general, but objections should be the things that can be measured. Either in time, quantity, or some other form that can be graphed or charted. Here are my objections to make my Writing Goals happen in 2009:

Objective 1: Complete 50,000 words on Contemporary YA book in January

  • You all want to do it with us, don’t ya? If so, let us know and we can cheer each other on. Because a little known secret about me is that I always wanted to be a cheerleader. And don’t you want to help a girl out with that dream?

Objective 2: Finish and revise Middle-grade Mystery that I worked on this December

  • This book’s outline and first half draft are nearly complete. I’d like to let the ending half of the book sit, so I can finish it when my thoughts are more compiled.

Objective 3: Revise January’s Contemporary YA book

Objective 4: Do something that scares me or something new at least once a week

  • This has been one of my goals for a really long time, and I’ve never put an objective to it to actually make it happen. Well, 2009 is going to be the year I make that change. Which is why my husband and I are actually starting a new blog adventure year where you can follow our pursuit to complete so many things in our life we’ve always wanted to do, but never had the guts. And I really think it will help in my writing life to gain more confidence and overcome my query fears.

Objective 5: Query at least 50 agents

  • Of course, I will not be upset if it takes less

And it’s a good thing the most popular suggestion for my new Miss Name was Miss Querylicious. Because it’s definitely going to help me with Objective No. 5.

And oh yeah, if I want it to be measurable, I guess I want to accomplish this all by December 31, 2009.

What are your goals and objections for 2009?

Share, so I can be a cheerleader. (Seriously, I’m not lying when I said I wanted to be a cheerleader. I tried out for the squad and everything.)

--Emily, Miss Querylicious (whose additional goal is have a new name in 2009)


Kate Fall said...

OK, I love the distinction between goals and objectives. So my goal for 2009 is to have 2 novels and 1 graphic novel ready for submission.

And wow, you got a lot of work done in December! I'm impressed!

Lisa Schroeder said...

Good for you, Em! I love your objectives!!!

Can I cheer for you guys in January? I will be the official cheerleader for fast draft January.

Go, write, rain or snow.
Write the words even if they blow.


nadine said...

I like Objective 4. Sounds like fun. My goals will be posted on the first at my blog. Check them out and tell me what you think. But it's basically to post and read more.



Emily said...

Hmmm... I have one day to think about this. Because of goals I set for myself last year (to lose weight and get healthy) I didn't have much time or energy to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. Sadly, I only wrote 2500 words (all on the first day) and then didn't touch it again! I was disappointed but understood why I didn't put my writing on the front burner this year. So... I think your idea of writing in January is GREAT! Will I have more time? Maybe- no holidays and extra stuff to deal with-- so I may be in on your January writing-- I will check back later =)
Emily in AZ

Emily Marshall said...

Yes, Kate objectives are fun. And yours are good. Decemeber happened to be the month of snow days and sick days, which was why I got more done than planned.

Lisa. I so was going to make up a cheer, but I LOVE yours so much, I think I'm going to have to use it.

TruBlue. Thanks. I'll have to see what your goals are!

Emily, I know those life goals get in the way of writing, don't they? And yes, please join us in January. And we won't make you do 50K if you don't want (and I'm not just saying this because I really don't think I'll make that amount). Any amount is an accomplishment in my book.

Jen said...

Yikes, Emily, you're scaring me. OTOH, I've had a lot of life issues to deal with recently. I'm also part of a Jano group - I might post or join both places. So here are my goals:

Finish revisions on current mystery and send to at least 40 agents

Write my 50,000 on new magic realism piece

Finish first draft on said piece

Revise said piece

Send to 40 agents? We'll see.