***And the WINNER of SOMETHING TO BLOG ABOUT by Shana Norris is: candycana
Yay! Congrats! Please send your snail mail addy and name to author2authorDOTblogATgmailDOTcom.
To all non-winners (bc no one's a Loser here on A2A!), you have until Midnight EST to comment on this entry for a chance to win Wendy Toliver's THE SECRET LIFE OF A TEENAGE SIREN (two chances if you post with the link to your promo of our contest).***
Novels are, by their very nature, fictional. They have characters who aren't real -- or are they?
Every teen love interest male character in my books has pieces of my manpanion* in it. I mean, how could I not include such fabulousness? I would never have made it to Recently Repped if he hadn't been so supportive -- and helpful -- with my writing. It only makes sense that I use someone who evokes strong loving emotions in my real life to transfer to what my MCs wants in a boy as well.
What are these traits? Glad you asked!
1. An excellent sense of humor, wittiness, sarcasm, and gentle flirting.
2. Musical talent.
3. Tall, dark, and handsome -- but not the traditional "model" look (no Ken dolls for me).
4. Laid back, comfortable, and warm.
5. Likes his t-shirts, fleece, and jeans.
6. Is a year or two older than the chick.
Of course, not every character I write will have all of these characteristics. Some books might have a few boys who each have a couple. But you won't get through a whole novel of mine without coming across some of them. And then there is my one book where I blatantly named the teen band Filthy Funk....
The other good thing about my manpanion*? He knows I'm writing this post about him and doesn't mind!
What traits repeatedly show up in your girl/boy love interest characters? And are they based on your real life sweetie? Leave a comment and you'll be entered to win this book! Post about this contest on your blog and leave a comment with a link to that post, and you'll be entered twice!

SIREN doesn't have an older musician love interest, but it does have a female floutist who on her 16th birthday turns into a Siren and can play her music to make men do her bidding. I hope that's not why I'm always writing my guitar-playing man into my books...he's controlling my mind with his tunes....
Comment to win it! Woo hoo!
Happy Valentine's Day, all!
Deena, Miss Recently Repped
*"Manpanion" is a trademark of the lovely and talented author Rhonda Stapleton, and is used with permission, though she wishes its use to become more commonplace in today's society. I concur.
ROFL--I'm dying laughing...I'd love to see more people using manpanion, totally!!
As far as common traits in my books, I tend to write smartypants characters who have over-the-top comedic attitude. LOL. Gee...where would I get that from...
Ha...yes, I don't think it's a coincidence all my male characters tend to be either smart, play guitar, or are more sensitive then they appear. Though I think it's more to do with what I see as attractive in a guy, and my husband happened to fit that. Though, I'm not sure why I make them so "bad" and to some extent argumentative, which my husband is very much not like. Maybe to cause the drama?
Love it! In my case, my latest book has the girl 2 years older than the boy (my MC). I guess that reflects my own situation. Yes, ladies, I married a younger man--Hoooyaa!
I don't know if that really had anything to do with my character sketch. The historical element kind of dictated that one--the love interest is a real person...you'll have to read the book to find out who...! As soon as I get the dang thing pubbed!
Sign me up for this book!
This sounds great - please sign me up!
Thanks a bunch!
this book sounds like such a cute book, and even tho i already have a copy, i'd like another one
Yay, Contest!! I LOVE the Simon Pulse Romantic Comedy books, they are soo awesome. http://merelinn.blogspot.com/2008/02/contests.html
This sounds like a really great book, i would love a copy. =D
I love those Simon Pulse covers, they're so cute! Don't you wish you could have the artist draw you and your manpanion in that style? (BTW, Rhonda, I'll use that word all the time now!)
Great review! I would love to read this book! I also advertised the contest on my blog.
Cute post Deena! I love that your manpanion appears in all of your books. My dh appears in some of mine but he's not all of my lead guys.
i would love to have a copy of this book! sign me up please!! thanks!!
Ooh! Ooh!
I almost forgot.
Add me to the mix. :)
Manpanion's a great word...sounds like something Perez Hilton made up. LOL
I'd love to win a copy of your book, but I'm also glad that your contest encouraged me to stop by. Your blog's a lot of fun!
Yippie! Count me in!
I have been anxious to read Wendy's book and would love a chance at winning a copy =)
As for the term "manpanion"? Its absolutely hilarious! Definitely something I can see in the pages of US Magazine or something. Kinda like the "bromance"-- two guys who are close friends. Haha!
~Emily W.
This one sounds great - thanks for sharing the review! (Oh...and pick me, please!)
Emily, I also LOVE male characters that play the guitar. :)
(And, btw, I have a post about you guys on my blog. As you know. :) )
Yes, because of Rhonda's talent in coming up with such posh words as manpanion, we must all send GOOD VIBES into the universe today that others recognize her undeniable talent!!!!!
Thanks to everyone for entering! The winner shall be posted soon on Miss Tina's entry!
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