One day on LiveJournal a few years ago, I read about an upcoming novel called THE GOLLYWHOPPER GAMES and thought the premise sounded fantastic. I friended the author, Jody Feldman, who friended me back. I read TGG and loved it. It was one of my favorite reads of the year. I still recommend it at the library all the time.
At some point in ealy 2009, I read on JF's LJ, or she read on mine, something about Rochester, NY (where I live, while Jody lives in Missouri), and we commented back and forth and she said that she comes up this way to visit her husband's family about once a year and when she came up for the summer, we should get together.
I also learned that my agent at the time worked for Jody's agent's agency. Small world!
So last summer, Jody stopped by my library where she signed our library copy of TGG and I learned that not only was her hubby from Rochester, but specifically from Brighton, the town where I work. Strange!
Last week, Jody was in NY and she let me know she'd be in Rochester so she squeezed me into her busy schedule. So much fun! Here we are in a lovely pic that Jody's hubby took in the Pittsford B&N (where the wonderful CRM Penny words), snagged from Jody's LJ.

Jody and I chatted for like two hours -- and it felt like 20 minutes! There was nary a drop of dead air between us (though people who have met me in person shouldn't be surprised by this), but it was just so fun to talk about books, writing, what we're working on, etc.
This often happens with my CPs and A2A girls as well -- we start talking and where does the time go?
OH, and THE SEVENTH LEVEL is right up there with TGG -- puzzles, challenges, a secret society...very cool!
Deena, Miss Subbing for Pubbing
Hmm, I'm not buying it Deena-- you're very shy. Gosh, I feel like I have to carry every conversation with you! Hahaha! Kidding of course!
Yay for a fun visit with Jody!
The time did zoom! And aren't you impressed, Deena, that I got the picture up within a week?
Jody, yes! You were so on top of your blog! :)
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