Part of me feels like this about my kids going back to school:

Part of me knows that life will get busier, although I'm so looking forward to peace and quiet during the day. But there will be piano lessons, communion classes, choir concerts, and ice skating. Evenings will be overscheduled and it will get dark earlier. And part of me is wondering if spent enough time this summer reading on a sunny porch. (Can you ever spend enough time doing that?)
So remember summer in your writing: the sound of cicadas, the feel of stinging sunburns, the taste of homemade ice cream, the smell of Coppertone and chlorine. And now let's move on to autumn, when I never feel obligated to do anything on Sundays but type on my PC while my husband and I watch the Buffalo Bills lose. Yay autumn!

-- Kate, Miss Perfecting the Pages
Kate, I know I definitely didn't spend enough time sitting in the backyard and reading a book. I am looking forward to getting back to a routine, but sad that summer is ending (though we have 2 more weeks before school starts).
Fall is my favorite season! (But here in the South it isn't nearly as beautiful as PA.) The kids have already been in school for a week and a half, can you believe it? Enjoy your quiet writing time and your buzzing, busy extra-curricular schedule.
BTW—I just tagged you guys for a blog award. I hope you don't mind. Stop by my blog for all the details.
I love fall weather....but love summer weather more. :) I need to remember to lounge on the porch as many days as possible before the chill hits. I am very serious!
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