Look what I got in the mail this week! It's a finished copy of Just Your Average Princess!

Sometimes I'm totally on board with ebooks and how easy they are to download onto my ipad and how I can store a ton of them on there and they're so convenient. But then I get to hold a new baby and I fall in love.

Sometimes I'm totally on board with ebooks and how easy they are to download onto my ipad and how I can store a ton of them on there and they're so convenient. But then I get to hold a new baby and I fall in love.
Isn't it so cute?! I love the yellow binding with the blue letters and the fun font.
I a million times over love all the vines and stuff all over the back cover and on the inside pages.
I love that they pulled part of the story and put it on the back of the book. And it's a good part too.

And I love the page where I sign. It's so so so cute!
So yeah, I'm awfully proud of my new baby and glad to have her home. Next week I'll post pictures of her first bath, first bottle, and grandma holding her. Ok, no I won't.
Look for Just Your Average Princess in stores on 10/11/11!
Congratulations! The book looks awesome. Enjoy the new "baby" and make sure to sniff the pages.
It's beautiful!
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