Monday, February 14, 2011

Cover Lover

Tip of the Day: Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to enter our Feel the Love giveaway for Triple Shot Betty right here by Thursday!

It's all about love on Valentine's Day. Love, attraction, lust, cravings. Like ... like how I feel in a book store!

Although some of these book covers are getting me down lately. All that gray and black. All those pictures of people with their heads out of the frame. I love color. Look at the incredible use of color in MATCHED by Ally Condie. I totally want to pick up this book just looking at it.

I also love gorgeous period dresses. I check out books if I like the dress on the cover; if I like the dress on the cover, I will always, always, always stop to read the blurb. I don't mind so much if someone's head is cut out of the frame if it's to show off a dress.

After looking at those covers, you may agree with me that clothes make the cover!

-- Kate, Miss Perfecting the Pages


DeenaML said...

I agree -- gorgeous clothes on a cover totally draw me in! Every time I put SILVER PHOENIX face-out at my library, it gets checked out.

Kristina Springer said...

Cover Lover...haha, what a great title today!