Tip of the day: Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!!
My strongest memories of books and reading are actually the mid-grade years. I read a lot then – LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE, MRS. PIGGLE WIGGLE, ENCYCLOPEDIA BROWN, and many others. I think I was in fifth grade when I read FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC by V.C. Andrews. And somewhere around there I read ARE YOU THERE GOD, IT’S ME MARGARET, too.
Once I got into high school, though, the reading pretty much stopped. I was too busy having fun. Going to football games and dances. Looking at the boys. Oh, and then there was that reading for school thing, which I didn't like much. I can't even remember much of what we read, although I know we read this one:

I think one of the reasons I can’t get enough of YA novels these days is that I would have LOVED them when I was a teen. I just know I would have been a huge fangirl of Sarah Dessen and Laurie Halse Anderson if they’d been writing when I was in high school.
I wonder if I’ll ever grow up and be an adult reader? Check back in five years and we’ll see!
~Lisa, Miss Crafting a Career
I went through that more in college. As an English major, I had so much assigned reading. In high school, it didn't seem too overwhelming to me. I used to crave fun reading in college so much though. I never had the time.
You are so right. We missed out in high school. Those lucky HS's now. Great books...
Yep, totally agree. I probably will never be a full-adult reader, either. Though, I do like to read adult books every now and then. It comes in spurts, apparently certain times I liked to be more grown-up then others :)
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