Many people can identify books that changed their lives, or books they read as teens that made them want to be a writer. I don't have any of those.

Not that there was anything really bad about these books, but they didn't exactly make me long to cozy up next to a crackling fire and read them. I really wanted to keep reading about romance with the Wakefield Twins, what mysteries Nancy would unexpectedly find, and completely unrealistic plots that really entertained me. I didn't want to try to determine what passages like this meant:
"The miller is a lout, as you're aware;
So was the reeve, and so were many more.
They both told bawdy stories. Then beware,
And do not lay upon me all the blame,
Or take in earnest what is meant in fun."
Had I known about awesome books like these when I was in High School, I think I would have been doing more than checking out home-decorating books, fashion magazines, movies, and music during my semi-regular visits to the library.

--Emily, Miss Querylicious
Oh yes, I was so into SVH in jr high. LOVED them. I SO wish though that there had been YA books then like there are now as well.
YA books were so hard to find when we were teens. I went straight from the Boxcar Children (I loved them too) to Stephen King and mushy stories about Elizabeth I. The attitude was that we were reading Catcher in the Rye in school, wasn't that enough? I think a lot of people stopped reading because they couldn't find delicious looking books like the covers you posted.
Yeah, there just weren't any books that interested me as a teen. I was a huge reader up until high school and then it just stopped, except for school stuff.
Actually, I did this a few months ago. Halarious!
The thing I've found is there is so more out there for teens now. And the quality is way better.
But don't worry. I'm making up for it now. Reading them all!
Ha ha.. I totally forgot about those books and then when I saw the covers it all came rushing back to me. Yup.. from Archie comics to those. And to think I ended up working in publishing..
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