In junior high, there was one author's work that I was obsessed with (well, more like a ghostwriter's but you get the idea): V. C. Andrews. Even her name was cool!
The first book that lured me into her world of incest, murder, torture, orphans, twins, kidnappings, mansions, evil half-sisters, and creepy grandparents was FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC.

Remember you flipped open the cover and saw a picture of the whole twisted family? I loved those pictures!

It was actually my best friend at the time, April, who introduced me to these books. I have to give credit where it's due. :)
After I saw the movie, I was off to read the entire Dollanganger family series.

That first series was just the beginning -- HEAVEN was waiting for me! MORE sadistically twisted familial tales!
Yes, my mother knew what I was reading at ages 12-13 along with my LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE series (which I also loved), but I'm not sure she knew the extent of the twistedness of the books. But even if she did, she's a good mom and would've trust us girls (my sis and I) to read them anyway (no, I have not become a murderous, rich grandmama).
The DAWN series was next for me. Looking back, how did I do it? Each series really was the same except for the color of the MCs' hair....
Fess up -- who else out there read all these books?
Deena, Miss Subbing for Pubbing
Ha, yeah I read tons of V.C. Andrews. Although I think I gave up after the Heaven series, or whichever series featured the West Virginia coal mining girl going to live with rich relatives in Boston. Or was that all of them? ;)
My Cybils co-panelist Leila from The Bookshelves of Doom re-reads Flowers in the Attic for you so you don't have to. Try not to spit beverage on your keyboard:
ME ME ME ME MEEEEE! I used to devour these books! I loved it--so titillating! LOLOL
Yep, I read them too. And now I have nothing to say for my post on Friday - ha!
ME! Yet, I totally forgot until you posted about them!
Lots of my friends read the Flowers in the Attic series, and so did I. I think I read Heaven too, and My Sweet Audrina. I don't think any of our parents read them!
Oh yay! We are all bosom buddies! WOO HOO!
Hmm, never read those, but maybe because I was too hung up on little house! Ha!
Great tip on the plants. The only time I water mine is when I randomly water them like once every 2 weeks. It's amazing any are still alive.
I feel like such an outcast. I totally didn't read these in high school. Though I did get some from the library a few months ago when we were weeding and have been meaning to read for awhile.
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