Remember show-n-tell in grade school? Sigh. I loooooved show-n-tell. I can't for the life of me remember what I used to show the class back then but I knew each week it was something hugely important in my life. Like a light-up yo-yo. Or maybe my cabbage patch doll.
So this week I thought I'd bring back show-n-tell and show you something I stumbled upon online last week. My German book!

First, look at that cover. Isn't it adorable? And the translation of the summary is so funny! Granted, maybe the translator I used is off but here is what it says:
A triple espresso on ice - who is appointed, has class. Latte Macchiato with skimmed milk and sweetener means against: Zick Alert! Jane, in a coffee shop working, calls it "Espressologie" - the art of people based on their coffee preferences to be characterized. Their newest game is for single customers the perfect partner. Hit rate: 100%! The little coffee shop is a Mecca of the lonely hearts. But in their zeal to make everyone happy, Jane looks over almost the icing on her own Moccaccino ...
Okay, I LOVE the phrase Zick Alert! Em (Miss Querylicious) translated it for me and it means B**ch alert. HA!
And that last line of the summary-- it's almost scandalous sounding isn't it?
It was so fun finding the German version of my book online already and I hope the book makes sense as translated. I personally will never know since I don't read German but if anyone ever gets a hold of a copy and reads it you'll have to let me know what you think!
Kristina, Miss Delighted to Debut
Yes, the cover is adorable. I'm a sucker for a good cover.
It's better than a cute dress. And I like cute dresses too!
When does the German version release?
This is so fun!!!!
How much fun is that?!? Congratulations on all of your successes. By the way, coincidentally, by article today is about book covers. Do I dare say, "fine minds . . . ?" :) M
Good question Deena! I think the German book comes out in September. I don't think they are pushing the date back just because FSG did-- but I don't know.
And thanks CF, Em, and M! :-)
I need to work Zick Alert into conversation more often.
soooo cute Tina!
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