Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Reading: Had Me a Bla-ast

Tip of the Day: Like iced coffee but don't like the watered down taste after you throw in ice cubes? Make coffee ice cubes the day before with your left over coffee. Then as they melt in your ice coffee today it won't be watered down.

What's on your reading list for the summer? This week I'm reading Catcher in the Rye because it's this month's book club selection for the fabulous book club I'm in.

And, you might not believe this, but I've never read it. I know other people joke they've read it 100 times. And I've read books that made this type of reference, like King Dork, but nope. I never actually read this one. This makes me feel like a bad author. Good authors would have read Catcher in the Rye years ago right?

Is there a book that everyone else has read a million times but you never did? Confess now! What well-known/loved books should every author have read? I need to build my summer reading list.

Kristina, Miss See Me on the Shelves


DeenaML said...

Your tip of the day is brilliant! I should try that with tea!

Lisa Schroeder said...

About five years ago, our book club read THE CATCHER IN THE RYE. I hadn't read it either. I loved it. The rest of the ladies? Not so much. There's definitely still a teen inside of me, I think.

My son read it this year for language arts and he said - it's just this guy going around, depressed, talking about how bad things are all the time. Boring. Ha!

Kate Fall said...

I had to read it in high school and felt exactly like Lisa's son! My confession time: I've never read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.

Lisa Schroeder said...

Kate, I just read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD a few months ago. You must read it. SO good. Although it took a few chapters to get into it. Then I watched the movie and the movie is excellent!!! I'm a fan now!

Julie Musil said...

That coffee trick is genius! I'll have to tell my sisters and hubby, who are all addicted to coffee.

I haven't read the Catcher in the Rye yet either, and I'm only now reading Hunger Games, after everyone in the universe told me how great it was.

DeenaML said...

Kate -- you MUST read MOCKINGBIRD!

I've never read any book by Jane Austen. I tried once, but couldn't get past page 5. I also haven't read A WRINKLE IN TIME or FROM THE MIXED-UP FILES OF MRS Basil E. Frankweiler. I check them out periodically from the lib but never read them.

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