It's as if they think spamming thousands of people via social networks is a good way to promote their book.
Guess how many books I've purchased from one of these messages.
Go ahead, take a guess.
Because that type of promotion irritates the crap out of me.
If you want me (and other people) to look at you as an annoyance, do these things:
1. Start a Facebook group for your book release and invite everyone on the planet to join. Then post fifteen billion times a day so my notifications are filled with crap and I can't find notifications from my friends. (I used to be afraid to Decline or Leave Groups. I'm not now.)
2. Steal my email address from Facebook (or Twitter) and add me to your newsletter mailing list. I really love it when my inbox fills up with stranger spam. Even better? No link to unsubscribe! (This really drives me batty.)
3. Post on my Facebook wall telling me all about your book and how much I will enjoy it - particularly if I just accepted your friend request. (I will delete your post and unfriend you. Don't tempt me. If we're new friends, say something nice like "Great to meet you." That gives Megg smiles not the snarls.)
4. Email me directly, tell me how your book is so great, how badly you want a blurb from me, then direct me to your sales page so I can buy it. (I won't buy it. Even if it sounds like the best book ever.)
5. If I get so far as to 'like' your fan page, please talk about your book 24/7. (I fill most of my wall posts with things like the day my son rode on a lazy river with me and spent the whole time purposely tooting in my face. Trust me, people would rather laugh at my misfortune than listen to me blabber about my books.)
Kitteh wants you to act professionally or you may find yourself sleeping with the fishes |
Here's the thing - if people want to know about your books so bad, they will go to lengths to make sure they are kept informed. You can:
1. Start a newsletter. Let people know it's there so if they want to be notified immediately about new releases, they can sign up. NEVER add people on your own. Give your readers some respect and let them choose. Make sure you also have an unsubscribe feature. It's common courtesy.
2. Create a Facebook fan page. Invite your current FB friends (it's a one-time invite, so it doesn't seem so spammy). Don't treat it like a promotional page. Use it as if you're just hanging out with friends for the afternoon. Be fun and engaging. Be yourself.
2. Use Twitter, Goodreads, blog, etc, but don't post about your books unless you have something newsworthy to say. If your book has been out for three months, don't post about it every day. If someone is looking at your social network, chances are they already know about the book. Leave the promotional posts for things that truly need promoting - like a new book release.
3. Don't force yourself on people. Let them come to you. I know, it's frustrating. You want the whole world to know you and love you right this second. Guess what? Life doesn't work that way. Be yourself. They will come.
4. Don't stress so much about promo. Adding to the noise won't help you get discovered. It only makes readers more agitated. Instead, write a good book that people will enjoy and tell their friends about. That's the very best promo you could ever get.
Megg, Miss Enchanted ePubber
AMEN, sister!!!
Constant promotion = me going out of my way NOT to buy your book.
Glad to hear I'm not alone on this.
I've definitely had to cut back on my time on Twitter, and I think to get back into enjoying it, I'll have to defriend some people. I friend other YA writers, and now most of my Twitter feed is "read my book." And I'm not talking about linking to reviews or giving me news. Just "read my book" several times a day. Often with quotes from the book and tag like #Twilight.
I wonder if the people who blast random strangers with "buy my book" messages actually go out and buy all the books that random strangers tell them to buy?
And if not--why do they think this is effective marketing *or* effective social networking?
It drives me crazy. I get loads of e-mails with just summaries of random books. I just mark them all as spam.
How ironic is it that your post started with a tip that seems more like an advertisement.
Anonymous - those are adorable tees. I get nothing from suggesting them. No affiliate link, nothing like that.
I just thought other people would think they're cute. *shrugs*
When I "overhear" about a book, I'm already sick of it. It's sad, I know, but true.
And yeah, a random link here or there to a product people might like is one thing, or even saying your book is on sale is OK, but to SPAM people with it, that is the problem. Information v. OVER-information.
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