Friday, June 29, 2012

Catch Me, I'm Falling

Tip of the Day: Help spread the word about your favorite indie writer on INDIEpendence Day!!!!
Sometimes the writing life isn't easy.

I think most writers have a sensitive soul. The past couple of weeks have been difficult for me, in a professional sense. It was one of those "perfect storms," where everything dropped on me at once.

Luckily I have incredible writers who support me. Friends who take time out of their European vacations to let me vent via email. Friends who talk on the phone with me for 90 minutes, making me realize I'm not wholly insane (maybe just Friends who tell me they love me and will follow me through this crazy jungle we call publishing.

I think publishing is one of those careers where you must bear your soul to your co-workers and the world. It's equally rewarding and frightening. Self-publishing makes it even more so, because that stamp of approval from trad pubs is glaringly absent.

I wrote a bit more about this on my blog a couple of days ago. If you're curious, you can find it here.

Since this blog's focus is authors reaching authors, I wanted to take my time this week to remind all of you that while your publishing path may be littered with pitfalls, you are never alone. We all experience the fear, the uncertainty. Band together with other writers who understand you - you won't regret it.

It's great to have friends to celebrate with when everything is going your way. It's even better to have friends who catch you when you stumble.

Megg, Miss Enchanted ePubber


Andrea Mack said...

Thanks for sharing your experiences and emotions, Megg. I admire the way you can be so honest about your feelings.

One of the best things that ever happened to me was finding my writing buddies (the MiG Writers), because they understand the ups and downs of the writing business and are always there with some encouragement to keep me sane.

Kate Fall said...

Megg, it's so easy for us to remember the slams and forget the compliments. Thank God for our writing friends and community to help us keep our perspective. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we write because we love something about the process. And I hope next week is a better week!

DeenaML said...

Sometimes it is hard to keep the faith, but I'm glad for your honesty and hard work! :)