Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Time Spying ... um, Volunteering

Tip of the Day: Start a collection of unbreakable holiday ornaments. Someday your house may be taken over by toddlers, kittens, and/or large dogs.

I'm late with my post today because I was volunteering at my son's school to wrap donated presents for an inner city school. This is a great opportunity for the kids to volunteer in a way their efforts can be appreciated, and it's a great opportunity for me to spy on my future readers.

I hate to be sexist, but why is it that boys can't wrap presents but girls can? Don't men brag about having better spacial perception? And yet they are incapable of eyeballing a square of wrapping paper and realizing it's way too small to wrap the present in front of them. I am proud to say that today I sent several tween boys to wrapping school. Their parents will be impressed with their new skill, I'm sure.

The gifts on everyone's want list this year are basketballs, footballs, and Bop-Its. Have you ever tried to wrap those things? Spacial perception indeed.

Books are easy to wrap, even if you're a 12-year-old boy. Alright, maybe not then. For some great gift suggestions, check out Tina's YA and MG books on the sidebar for the young women in your life. Young boys will love the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever. I read 3 pages and fell on the floor laughing. Books with military themes are also "in" this year, judging by my spying (I mean volunteering) at my kids' school book festivals. If you're lucky enough to have a local, independent bookstore, I'm jealous of you. Support it and keep that asset in your community!

And seriously, teach your kids to wrap presents.

-- Kate, Miss Perfecting the Pages


DeenaML said...

Jeff Kinney is brilliant at capturing the thoughts of tween boys.

Carmella Van Vleet said...

I made sure to teach my boys two things in life - how to aim and how to wrap. Sadly, they don't do either well.